The Hepsia Control Panel now includes a Sitemap Generator feature

October 5, 2012
We are pleased to introduce a valuable addition to the Hepsia Control Panel – the Sitemap Generator tool.

You can easily access it under the Advanced tab.

With the Hepsia Sitemap Generator, generating a new sitemap is a simple process. Just choose the desired website and click on "Crawl." You have the flexibility to specify the crawl depth (default set to 3), the maximum number of links to be crawled (default set to 1000), and valid file extensions.

Once the crawl is complete, you will be presented with a comprehensive list of all the links visited by our Sitemap Generator, along with internal links for each page and the corresponding HTTP code. Additionally, you have the option to modify the default page changing frequency and the priority of the indexed URLs. When you're satisfied with the settings, click on "Generate a Sitemap" to save your sitemap. The sitemap.xml file will be available in the File Manager.